Service desk / Help desk
Service desk / Help desk is a single point of contact via which users of services communicate with the service provider. Users do not have to search for whom they should contact in each specific case or how to gain the relevant information.
Service desk provides companies and organizations an overview of all requests which need to be resolved. These requests are not contained in the e-mail accounts of the individual workers, but in one location and ranked according to the priority of resolution.
- A simple and clear user interface both for the users of the service and for technical support workers
- Catalog of services provided
- Overview of registered requests according to priority of implementation
- Information about reaction times for commencement of work on and resolution of requests
- Tools for adapting Service desk / Help desk to the requirements of the organization
- Advanced reporting
A Service desk is available to users for reporting of incidents, defects, and new requests and is a single user interface for all other processes and activities in the field of operation of services. Users report problems and submit requests via it and are provided relevant and precise information about the given cases here.
By introduction of a Service desk / Help desk management tool, the organization gains 100% control over the implementation of requests within the defined reaction times, the ability to measure and increase the quality of services provided and their effectiveness.
After introducing a Service desk / Help desk management tool, it will not happen that you fail to resolve one of your customer’s requests within the agreed period because you did not know about it or did not know its priority. The introduction of Service desk leads to the determination of clear responsibility for resolution of requests which you will be able to resolve on time and in perfect quality.
At Nonadyne, we implement Atlassian JIRA Service Desk into organizations and companies as a tool for management of technical support, administrative support and support for service provision etc.
Atlassian JIRA Service Desk is a business tool for management of technical support. JIRA Service Desk is suitable for companies and organizations from all branches of industry and fully complies with the requirements for a high-quality Service desk / Help desk in line with the ITIL standard.
- Management of technical support
- Management of administrative support
- Management of facility and equipment management
- Support for management of services in line with a service agreement
Why choose us
- We work on ourselves. Nothing stops us.
- We keep our word. Always and whatever the cost.
- We play together as a team. One for all and all for one.
- Changes are opportunities, not obstacles.
- Trust and loyalty form the basis of a solid relationship.
- We create an environment based on the people.